Foolproof Foundation. Find the right colour every time. Here's how ...How many times have you walked out of the cosmetics department only to find your choice of foundation colour is all wrong? Too light, you...
The BEST trick for opening up tired, droopy eyes. Hello Secret Weapon 4.Droopy. Hooded. Oh-so-tired eyes. Sister, I hear you. I've been tired for 8 1/2 years - strangely coincides with the birth of my first...
Think Dirty. Love Organic BB Cream.That scaley spot on my forehead, I've seen it every day for months and just kept hoping the blasted thing would rack off .. well it's...
Express eye makeup for busy women on the run... using just 4 products.It seems that we are all just so darn "busy" (I'd prefer to say life is full but "busy" seems to be the standard response) .. and I know...
Amanda Ramsay in the press ... Body and Soul magazineTara Ali, friend, writer and long time Features Editor of Womens Health magazine interviewed me for a piece she wrote to appear in Body...
Get-Ready-Quick Morning Makeup. Product list from my Facebook Live post Thursday 13 OctoberMany of you lovely women have requested a list of products from my debut on Amanda Ramsay Facebook Live (