I get a lot of questions about how and when to apply face oil, so today, I am sharing the way I recommend you do it, using my absolute favourite - mohi Everlasting Facial Elixir 24k Gold (ladies, I’ve tried a gazillion face oils, and always come back to this one!).
1. WHEN TO APPLY FACE OIL in your routine
Firstly, let's just clear up at which stage in your beauty routine you should apply your face oil. A clue to layering skincare is the consistency of the products you are applying. You are aiming to apply your skincare products in order of weight, starting with lighter toning sprays and finishing with heavier cream products.
So, using this technique, a face oil should be applied after your serum(s) and before your moisturiser or sunscreen. I know there are some peeps out there confusing the bejeesus out of you, and suggesting face oils go last, but this is the best way to ensure you're locking in all that goodness!
If you're still feeling a bit unsure about when to apply your face oil in your routine, I recommend you watch my vlog on layering skincare, where I take you through an entire beauty routine (cleansing to sunscreen), clarifying the order you should apply each product for best results.
2. HOW to apply face oil
Ok, next let's cover the best way to apply a face oil to maximise those results for over 40s skin, over 50s skin, over60s skin, over 70s skin you get the idea. All of you beautiful mature-skinned Beauties!
Always apply your face oil to damp skin. Ideally spritz liberally with a facial mist, like this one from Wildcrafted Organics. or this one from Clemence Organics. At a push, damp hands will do the trick too. Just do not apply your face oil to skin that is dry.
STEP 2. Apply A few dropS
Apply a few drops of face oil to your finger tips. Less is more here - 2 or 3 should be enough - you don't want an oil slick on that beautiful face! The quantity of drops needs to be dictated by YOUR skin type plus how your skin feels on the day. For example, Oily skin? Choose 1 drop in the morning if you're not wearing makeup. You'll probably prefer to use your face oil at night. 1 - drops will be plenty (and face oils, can really help to recalibrate and balance an oily skin type so don't be scared. Unsure what is best for you - click here to schedule a personal beauty consult. Combination skin? Choose 1 - 2 drops morning and night
Dry skin? Choose 2 - 3 drops morning and night. Normal skin? Choose what feels good. My tip here is start with less ... and you can work up to what feels good for you. Pick what you can stick with, as consistency is the key.
Gently massage the face oil into your face, I recommend starting at the bottom of you face and massaging upwards in a (face) lifting motion from the inside of your chin, along your jawline and up towards your ear. Start in the centre of your face and work out and up. If you can swing it, take a bit of time to do this for a dose of relaxation. Gift yourself these precious moments. A gua sha, face roller (click here for my top picks), or even your knuckles, make great lymphatic drainage tools and help to depuff and flush out your skin, whilst exercising the muscles of your face. Trust me and get amongst it. If you wake up puffy, get amongst it! And if you're really time poor, make facial massage part of your night time ritual.
Wait a couple of minutes before applying your moisturising sunscreen so all those delicious oils and magic ingredients can do their thang and absorb into your skin. I usually make a cup of tea, brush my teeth, or smash out a lunchbox in between face oil and moisturising sunscreen application.
STEP 5. be consistent
Finally, remember, you need to stick with face oil. Consistency is the biggest secret to skincare success and skin health change over time. Be patient. Change can be slow and take time and that my friends, is okay. I know we can feel in a hurry ... but stick with it, be diligent, be consistent. TOP TIP If you're a bit slack with night time rituals, keep your products next to your bed. So as you go to collapse into bed your skincare products are literally staring you in the face. You'll be more likely to reach over grab your spritz, douse yourself in it, massage your face oil on, slather on your moisturiser, and hit the hay. Consistency and regular use are the key to transformation and improved skin health. Unfortunately, these things don't happen after one application darn it!
3. CHOOsING the right facial oil
If you’re over 40 and not on the face oil train yet … time to get onboard!
More often that not I find my clients aren't using a key product like face oil because of skincare overwhelm. There is just so much choice that it can be difficult to know where to start, or you may have followed a trend, gone down an Instagram rabbit hole, or taken peer-advice from a FB Group and ordered a completely unsuitable product that has put you off.
Makeup and skincare overwhelm is actually the main reason I decided to set up my online shop. I do the hard work for you. And I'm more than a 50 year old woman with a face, I'm a seasoned professional with over 20 years experience, and I've worked with and on literally thousands of faces just like yours, so I know what I'm doing. I stock only the best products for mature skin (all have been tried, tested and much loved by me) and Sister, have I have a face oil for you!
Over my 20+ year beauty career, and as a regular beauty award expert panelist, let me tell you I have tried A LOT of face oils and and I can hand on heart say that mohi Everlasting Facial Elixir 24k Gold is THE ONE! She is Top Shelf. The cream of the crop. The ants pants. The cats pyjamas. The bees bloody knees.
Do yourself (and your skin) a huge favour and get a bottle of what I have nicknamed "natures botox"today! I have been using mohi for 5 years now and I promise she will not disappoint.
Is Face oil suitable for oily and combination skin?
Those of you with combination or oily skin may be wondering if it's a good idea to apply a face oil at all. Surely oil on oil will lead to breakout city right? Actually not right. While you shouldn't over do it, the right face oil will do wonders for your oily or combination skin. It will help smooth fine lines, boost collagen production and improve skin texture .. and can help to balance your skin. Just use it at night. Choose from Wildcrafted Organics Cell Regeneration Face Oil, Vanessa Megan's NEO Oil, or mohi Everlasting Facial Elixir.
However, if you do have oily skin, or combination skin that errs more on the oily side of the combo, I recommend skipping the daytime face oil application and only applying a small amount as part of your evening routine.
Need some expert help?
Love this article, but still feel like you need some help choosing the right skincare products for you? Book a Personal Beauty Consult for a one-on-one, personalised, online session with me, your over 40s makeup and beauty expert, and together we will sift through your current skincare items, review your routine, make tweaks and adjustments that will make a big difference to your skin and in turn your makeup game.
That's all from me for now.
Keep shining bright ladies.
Amanda Ramsay is a multi-award winning, over 40s makeup artist. You can find out more about her here